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Press Release

Randolph Communications Recognizes the High Falls and Northern Moore County as a Smart Rural Communities

June 18, 2022

High Falls, NC– Randolph Communications recently presented the High Falls exchange with a Smart Rural Community (SRC) sign provided by NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association to display in their town. The High Falls and Northern Moore County communities are the second area within the Randolph Communications cooperative exchanges they serve to receive this recognition. SRC is a national network of communities powered by innovative rural broadband providers that are advancing towards a future-proof sustainable infrastructure. The program promotes rural broadband and provides fast, reliable and sustainable connectivity.

In order to receive recognition as a SRC provider, Randolph Communications was required to affirm that it offers 100 Mbps broadband to at least 50% of its service area; that it has broadband subscription rates of at least 50%; and that it is committed to program principles of collaboration and innovation. As a result of Randolph Communications’ national recognition, High Falls will now be celebrated as a Smart Rural Community in program materials and online at, joining a national network of similarly innovative communities. However, Randolph Communications surpasses that internet speed offering by providing speeds up to 1Gig x 1Gig.

“We are thankful for Randolph Communications and all they have done to bring broadband to our area and provide the citizens of Moore County access to Gigabit speeds. It’s not just having high-speed internet, it’s having the opportunities that come along with it to connect to school, work, healthcare and more. Increasing broadband connectivity further advances our goal of making Moore County a great place to work, live, and raise a family,” stated Wayne Vest, Moore County Manager. NTCA Chief Executive Officer Shirley Bloomfield also recognized Randolph Communications for this achievement, noting, “We are so excited to welcome another Smart Rural Community provider into this growing network of innovative broadband providers delivering the Internet’s fastest speeds in some of the most remote and rural communities of our country.

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