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Our Mission

To improve the lives of our customers and communities.

Service Commitment

As your local telecom provider, our goal is to provide affordable, reliable services that shape and improve our members' daily lives and enable our communities to thrive. We realize the importance of listening to your concerns so that we may respond to your questions and requests with knowledgeable, prompt, and courteous service. Randolph Communications intends to bring our customers services equal to, if not better than, those available in more heavily populated urban markets. We are dedicated to offering the highest level of service, not just as any company serving the community, but as partners serving neighbors and friends in the Piedmont region.

And, as a partner on the local scene, we want to help you understand how important issues in the telecom industry – such as universal service and legislative policy decisions – will affect Randolph as a cooperative and you as a subscriber. Through the advanced telecom services we offer, we strive to play an important role in the continued economic growth and prosperity of our area. After all, success is a two-way street – and ours depends on the success of the cooperatives members and customers.

We plan to continue serving the Piedmont region for years to come. Our history is rich, and we are proud of our success as a provider of information age technologies and services, which will bring benefits to the lives of those in the community and help to make the connection between our local and global interests.


By becoming a member, you also become part owner, not only sharing in the profits of the organization, but also having a voice in the direction of the company. As a member, your stake in the company is directly proportional to the amount of services you use. Therefore, the more you spend, the more you earn!

Cooperatives are businesses that:

  • Are owned and democratically controlled by their members-the people who use the co-op’s services or buy its goods-not by investors.
  • Return surplus revenues (income over expenses and investment) to members proportionate to their use of the cooperative, not proportionate to their ownership share. This is known as Capital Credits.
  • Are motivated by service to their members, not by profit.

Cooperative Facts:

  • Cooperatives have been changing the face of doing business for over 150 years.
  • Over 100 million people are members of more than 48,000 cooperatives in the United States today.
  • Cooperatives are partners in our community, investing in economic development and human involvement that will keep our hometowns and rural areas alive and well in years ahead.

Our History

Our History

1954 - North Carolina’s large telephone companies refused to serve rural neighborhoods, claiming that the cost to serve these sparsely populated areas were just too high. Responding to the critical need for reliable communications, some local leaders of Randolph, Chatham, and Moore counties banded together to begin the long process of obtaining a charter for Randolph Telephone Membership Corporation. On May 13, 1954, the Secretary of the State of North Carolina granted A Certificate of Incorporation through the North Carolina Rural Electrification Authority.

1957 - On June 1, 1957, when Alvin Shaw, the cooperative’s first vice president stood before a large assemblage in the grange Hall in Farmer. As the crowd watched, Shaw placed a long-distance call to Raleigh, where the state REA chairman waited. This marked the beginning of actual operations. RTMC provided telephone service to 97 residents in Farmer.

1958 - 1st Annual Meeting.

1996 - In October, RTMC introduced Dial-Up Internet service to its members.

2001 - RTMC introduced high-speed digital subscriber line (DSL) service to its members.

2006 - RTTI, a subsidiary of RTMC, began offering wireless services, including both cellular phone service and wireless data plans in December 2006.

2008 - On August 1st we began offering our very own television service called MyTV.

2012 - Liberty-based Randolph Telephone Company was dissolved and became part of Randolph Telephone Membership Corporation on January 1, 2012. All RTC customers at that time became members of the cooperative and began earning capital credits.

2013 - Made it our goal to get Fiber To The Home (FTTH) to all customers. Launched our very own headend for MyTV. On September 4th, we launched our very own Local Channel called RTV Channel 1.

2015 - Moved to new headquarters on East Dixie Drive.

2018 - August 11, 2018, began offering Security.

2020 - Offered Internet only packages.

Meet your RTMC Board


Melvin Nunn


Liberty, District 7


Andy Garner

Vice President

Farmer/Jackson Creek, District 5


Janice Scott


Bennett, District 2


Randy Hussey

High Falls, District 3



, District 1


Becki Rice

Badin Lake, District 6


Bryan Brown

Pisgah, District 4

RTTI Board of Directors

Janice Scott - President
Becki Rice - Vice President
  - Secretary/Treasurer

Message From Your CEO

Kim Garner

I joined Randolph Telephone 26 years ago because I wanted to be a part of a company that made a difference. Randolph Telephone, now doing business as Randolph Communications, is that company. Randolph Communications may be a small company in size, but the heart of our company surmounts any of the Fortune 500 companies. Our Board of Directors, employees and I care about each of our cooperative members and are determined to provide the most advanced technological services to the areas we serve. Being a local cooperative means we put our customers first, and excellent customer service is always our priority.

We have an amazing team assembled at Randolph Communications to serve our customers. We are grateful that our communities trust us to provide their communication needs and we’ll work hard to exceed their expectations.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you.

Kimberly Garner
CEO & General Manager

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