Streaming 101
Randolph Communications Fiber Internet is your source for watching your favorite movies and TV shows, live or whenever you want, without cable or satellite service.
What is Streaming?
Streaming is an easy way to save money while enjoying your favorite TV. "Streaming video" refers to watching movies and television shows across your internet connection, instead of the traditional TV subscription service. Through the use of an app such as HULU, YouTubeTV, or Sling TV, you can watch your favorite programming on your TV, tablet, laptop or other connected devices.
Streaming Services
There have never been so many television viewing possibilities, which is good news for consumers! With the right streaming service and streaming device you can enjoy a customized experience that's ideal for your viewing habits. Go to to search and compare video services. It is based on your preferences. Suppose shows detailed information about your video service options so you can make the best choice for you and your family.
This chart compares popular streaming services. Please note, Randolph Communications has no affiliation with any of these service providers and does not recommend which provider you should choose. There is no substitute for conducting your own research to select a service and device that best meets the needs of you and your family.