Press Release

Randolph Communications Donates to Nine Local Food Banks
December 21, 2023
- Bennett School, Bennett, NC
- Christians United Incorporated of Southern Randolph County, Seagrove, NC
- CUOC of Randolph County, Asheboro, NC
- High Falls Area Food Pantry, Robbins, NC
- Liberty Association of Churches, Liberty, NC
- Lydia’s Place, Asheboro, NC
- Communities In Schools of Randolph County, Asheboro, NC
- Robbins Area Christian Ministries Food Pantry, Robbins, NC
- West Chatham Food Pantry, Siler City, NC
Randolph Communications partnered with Lowes Foods for two weeks in October, who then set up a donation box at their Asheboro location so that customers could donate at checkout. Companies such as Pinnacle Financial Partners, Movement Bank, First Bank of Asheboro and Pittsboro, Fidelity Bank of Liberty, Walmart, Central Bakery, Four Saints Brewing Company, Tannin’ Up, Stonetree Signs, Xtreme Nutrition, Integrity Mortgage, Pip Printing and Luxe 405 Hair Studio all showed support to the food drive by setting up donation boxes in their businesses.
“Our company’s mission is to improve the lives of our customers and communities, so giving back to the areas we serve means so much to our company,” stated Stephanie Gee, Marketing Director.
“We are very appreciative of Randolph Communications bringing donations each year. It always comes at the right time when our shelves are low,” said Kathy Martindale of Robbins Area Christian Ministries.
“We look forward to the Food Harvest Drive each year. It is always so wonderful to see the outpouring of support from individuals and businesses for our community. We are thankful and appreciative to everyone who contributed,” stated Kady Browne, Marketing Representative.
Randolph Communications is dedicated to improving the lives of its customers and communities they serve. Randolph Communications is proud of its more than 69 years of serving our neighbors and communities in, Alamance, Chatham, Davidson, Guilford, Lee, Moore, Montgomery and Randolph counties.