Press Release

2018 FRS Scholarship Winner
May 22, 2018
Asheboro, NC – The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) announced that it has awarded more than $107,500 in college scholarships to 53 students in rural communities served by members of NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association, out of 1,400 applications submitted.
The FRS College Scholarship Program awards one-time scholarships to students from rural America for their first year of college, university or vocational-technical school. Each student is sponsored by an NTCA member Company. Randolph Communications applicant, Nicholas Lathe McDuffie was awarded the $2,500 Broadband Telecom Conference Scholarship. Nicholas will graduate from Southwestern Randolph High School and will be attending Western Carolina.
"Our team at FRS looks forward to the scholarship season each year – recognizing students who have proven their academic prowess and showcase a remarkable love and appreciation for their communities reminds us why what we do each and every day has such a real, tangible impact," said FRS Executive Director Jessica Golden. “Nicholas demonstrated his strong academic abilities and notable appreciation for his community. Randolph Communications is very proud of him and wish him the best in his future endeavors,” said Kady Browne, Marketing Representative for Randolph Communications.